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Recruited Athlete College Admissions Package

High School Basketball Team

From training to workouts to showcases and more, student athletes put in a lot of dedicated work to hone their skill in their sport. A student athlete’s journey through the college application and selection process varies from that of the typical student. For example, student athletes typically apply to fewer schools (sometimes just one!) and thus need more targeted assistance with each application. At Garrett Educational Consulting, we recognize that differences such as these can be difficult to navigate at times, but we’re here to help. Our Student Athlete College Application Package includes:

  • Application support for up to 3 schools

  • Up to 15 hours of individual support which includes: Resume development, application submission support, essay development, essay editing, individual meetings and phone calls

  • Referral for test prep (if needed)

  • Unlimited access to our designated essay group work sessions (offered in the fall semester of senior year)

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